Open Source Circuit Design
These are my notes regarding the Open-Source IC design tools including their setup and usage. I will also try and post any tips and tricks that I find helpful.
Digital Design
[!NOTE] I have more or less just been using the oss-cad-suite tools for my developoment with Tiny Tapeout, then push to Github for doing the gate-level synthesis.
I like to keep my EDA tools (particularly ones that modify the environment) out of my main system path. The OSS-CAD-Suite conveniently has a activation script to facilitate this use case, this is in line with the commercial EDA tools. It is particularly useful so that multiple versions of the tools can be installed at the same time without conflict. Install the CAD suite by extracting the release to a directory of your choice (I install to ~/.local/extra_packages/oss-cad-suite
). To use the tools, you need to activate the environment, do this by running source <path to suite>/activate
. However, I don’t like having to remember exactly where I put my tools in the path, so I use a “startup script” that I can copy to my project directory to activate the correct environment for me.
Now, when I am in my project directory, I can just call
and the cad suite environment will be set up for me. This is also very helpful for managing multiple versions of tools as I can have multiple startup scripts that source the activation script that was installed to an alternate directory.
Tiny Tapeout Local Installation
Tiny Tapeout uses openlane (typically applied using github actions), and it is possible to run the commands locally on a personal computer.
On linux we can simply proceed with the installation instructions, but on Windows WSL2 must be set up first in order to have a Linux environment we can work with for Podman/Docker (WSL2 setup instructions)[].
Environment Setup (Everything Local)
We need Python 3.11 and a number of tools for the Tiny Tapeout flow to work to begin, we will install the appropriate python version and setup a virtual environment.
make a directory to build the output in
run the synthesis flow
First, we will install (pyenv)[].
In the shell run
curl | bash
then we will need to setup the environment for pyenv
Environment Setup (Docker/Podman)
To start we need to setup the docker containers for OpenLane
To start we need to setup some environment variables Linux/Mac:
Next we will use Podman/Docker to install the efabless ASIC tools
This will take a while and use about 8GB(?) of disk space
We can run the image using the command
The directory my-local-design-files will reside on the hard disk of the host computer but will be mounted by the docker image at start-up. It will essentially act as a link between the host computer and the design environment
Random Tips
Generating Block Diagrams
I don’t like the dot output that yosis generates by default, and much prefer the output from netlistsvg. Using the following shell script, json output from yosis can be copy-pasted into the tool to generate block diagrams.
Analog Design
Basic Analog Design Course
Get the tools for analog design here
- OSS-CAD-Suite: Digital Synthesis tools and formal verification
- Amaranth: Python HDL and testbench tool bundled with the OSS-CAD-Suite.
- Make the Synthesized output pretty with netlistsvg
- sky130 Standard Cells For some reason this isn’t in the official documentation
- Verible configuration for Verilog Helpful tip for getting verible to work with Verilog projects